ARPA-E’s Impact on Commercial Fusion Acceleration
As a leader in fusion energy research and development since 2014, ARPA-E has had a significant impact on fusion energy development in the United States.
The US Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) catalyzes cutting-edge areas of energy research and technology, and continues to be a leading impetus for fusion commercialization efforts.
To date, ARPA-E has funded 69 fusion energy projects spanning across 34 universities, 14 national labs, and 27 companies and institutions. Out of these projects, seven fusion companies have directly spun out of ARPA-E programs – including FIA members Zap Energy, Realta Fusion, Thea Energy, and LaserFusionX. Three of the spin-out companies have gone on to become awardees of the US Department of Energy’s milestone-based fusion development public private partnership program, advancing designs and R&D for fusion power plants, representing a major step in the US’ commitment to a pilot-scale demonstration of fusion within a decade.
“ARPA-E projects have the potential to radically improve U.S. economic prosperity, national security, and environmental well being. We focus on transformational energy projects that can be meaningfully advanced with a small amount of funding over a defined period of time. Our streamlined awards process enables us to act quickly and catalyze cutting-edge areas of energy research.”
ARPA-E, What We Do
ARPA-E fusion programs address specific challenges fusion developers face on the path to commercialization. The ALPHA program worked to fund underutilized and potentially lower cost approaches to fusion. The ongoing BETHE program works to deliver a larger number of mature, low cost fusion options via three primary research categories: concept development, component technology development, and capability teams to accelerate multiple concepts. GAMOW, also ongoing, prioritizes R&D in: technologies and subsystems between the fusion plasma and balance of plant; cost-effective, high-efficient, high-duty cycle driver technologies; and cross-cutting areas such as novel fusion materials and advanced and additive manufacturing for fusion-relevant materials and components. The CHADWICK program, aimed to transform the first wall in fusion energy systems to enable the deployment of sustained and economical fusion energy, announced funding opportunities in January 2024 and closed application submissions May 21 – awards are expected to be announced soon.
It is not an exaggeration to say that ARPA-E has done transformative work in fusion development. With continued focus and leadership it can further harness public and private sector expertise to drive commercially-relevant fusion programs.
About ARPA-E:
The Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) advances high-potential, high-impact energy technologies with funding, technical assistance, and market readiness. In 2005, Congress tasked the National Academies to “identify the most urgent challenges the U.S. faces in maintaining leadership in key areas of science and technology.” The resulting report recommended that Congress establish an Advanced Research Projects Agency within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) modeled after the successful Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)–the agency credited with such innovations as GPS, the stealth fighter, and computer networking. In 2007, the America COMPETES Act was signed into law, officially authorizing ARPA-E’s creation.