The UK nuclear fusion start-up helping the US develop stealth submarines

The UK nuclear fusion start-up helping the US develop stealth submarines

UK start-up Tokamak Energy is supporting a US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency program to make silent marine propulsion a reality. The collaboration with Darpa is one of several ways the fusion company is seeking to monetize high temperature superconductor magnets, which could transform sectors from public transport to medical imaging.

Bill Gates-backed Type One Energy lands massive seed extension to commercialize fusion power

Bill Gates-backed Type One Energy lands massive seed extension to commercialize fusion power

Type One Energy announced a fresh $53.5 million in funding. The company had previously raised $29 million in 2023, and the current extension brings the total to around $82.5 million. Bill Gates’s Breakthrough Energy Ventures led the extension, with Australia-based Foxglove Ventures and New Zealand-based GD1 participating.