FIA and Citibank host Fusion Executive Summit in NYC
Partnering with the FIA, Citibank hosted the 2022 Fusion Executive Summit at their global headquarters in New York City, bringing together leaders from investment, government, industry, and research to highlight the investment growth shown in The Global Fusion Industry in 2022 Report, as well as discuss the status of fusion and ways to accelerate its development.
The conference kicked off with keynote remarks that offered a broad view of fusion from investor, research, government, international, and industry perspectives. Serge Tismen, Global Co-Head of Clean Energy Transition at Citi; Sam Wurzel, Technology to Market Advisor at ARPA-E; Scott Hsu, Lead Fusion Coordinator at the U.S. Department of Energy; David Gann, Chairman of the UK Atomic Energy Authority; and Andrew Holland, CEO of the FIA, all gave remarks that highlighted recent activity as well as looked forward to fusion acceleration on a multitude of levels.
Following keynote remarks, leaders participated in panel discussions on industry views, investment towards commercialization, philanthropy, end-markets for fusion, and policy development.
Here is a link to a full agenda of the conference, complete with speaker information.
We were excited to explore fusion technology, partnership, investment, and commercial interests with a broad network of interested parties and decision makers.
The event was cosponsored by Fusion Industry Association, Citibank, Stellar Energy Foundation, and Roland Berger.