FIA Participates in Fusion for Energy (F4E) Roundtable on Regulations and Partnerships
On 25-26 June 2024, the Fusion Industry Association participated in the Fusion for Energy Roundtable held in Barcelona to discuss international frameworks for fusion technology and developments, including key issues around regulation, safety, liability, intellectual property, export controls, as well as public-private partnerships.
On regulation, participants had the chance to hear more about the regulatory regimes that will apply to fusion facilities in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, giving some food for thought for the future European regulatory framework.
It is clear that a dedicated and risk-appropriate fusion framework, distinct from nuclear fission, is needed to provide legal certainty. The fusion regime must also reflect the diversity of fusion technologies.
While some challenges to the development of fusion energy remain to be solved, whether scientific, technical, or financial, getting the right regulatory framework is equally critical to enable and accelerate fusion commercialisation in Europe.
The conference programme covered many other topics selected by the International Group of Legal Experts on Fusion Energy (FELEX) in its Key Issues Report.
FELEX was established by Fusion for Energy, the European Domestic Agency for ITER in 2023 as an informal international expert group to provide expertise and guidance in the legal and regulatory aspects of the development of fusion energy, with the aim of fostering the widest international cooperation possible, facilitating the development of state-of-art legal and regulatory frameworks for fusion technologies, and promoting the safe and sustainable advancement of fusion energy for the benefit of all humankind.
FELEX will review the outcome of the 2024 Roundtable conference, update its Key Issues Report with a goal to arrive at common positions that may serve as recommendations for relevant international bodies. To support and contribute to the activities of FELEX, FIA will become an observer to the expert group.