FIA Sends Letter to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in Support of Byproduct Material Approach
On August 24, 2022, the CEO of the Fusion Industry Association sent letter to the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that gives a full record of the FIA’s position on the appropriate type of regulatory approach by the NRC in the U.S.
The letter, signed by FIA’s CEO, Andrew Holland, serves a follow up to presentations given by FIA and its member companies during the NRC’s public meetings held over the past two years, in anticipation of the NRC’s publishing of a draft “Options Paper” as a draft SECY Paper in September.
The letter commends the NRC staff on its openness and engagement with FIA and other fusion stakeholders during these meetings. These meetings started by trying to gain better understanding the technical issues and hazards presented by fusion.
The letter goes on to say that fusion regulation should not need substantial new regulation, saying:
a technical assessment will show that existing regulations under Part 30 are sufficient today to protect the health and safety of the public, while also supporting the growth of the industry.
Furthermore, the letter highlights that the NRC has the legal authority under the Atomic Energy Act to regulate fusion in this way, saying:
the Commission possesses sufficient legal discretion to adopt a Part 30 approach. The Atomic Energy Act grants the Commission extremely broad discretion to choose the technically appropriate regulatory framework to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety.
Read and download the full letter to NRC Commissioner Hanson below.