IAEA Webinar: Pushing for fusion energy – what is happening now?
You’re invited to join an IAEA-sponsored Webinar on Monday, Nov 22 2021 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET.
This meeting will feature comments by FIA CEO Andrew Holland and a discussion led by FIA Director of Communications Melanie Windridge. The agenda is below.
17:00 CET
Opening Remarks by Ms. Sehila M. Gonzalez de Vicente (IAEA)
17:05 CET
Keynotes Chair: Mr. Shutaro Takeda (Kyoto University)
Global Investment Environment for Fusion Enterprises
Speaker: Ms. Carly Anderson (Prime Movers Lab) Latest global momentum in investments for fusion energy
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in Fusion
Speakers: Mr. Andrew Holland (Fusion Industry Association) and Mr. Tim Bestwick (UK Atomic Energy Authority) PPP projects in the US and the UK / Importance of PPP in fusion industry
Market and Social Need for Fusion Energy
Speaker: Mr. Malcolm Handley (Strong Atomics) Electricity and non-electricity markets for fusion energy / Role of fusion energy alongside with renewable power sources
Enabling technologies towards the commercialization
Speaker: Mr. Daniel Clark (US Department of Energy) Why and how enabling technologies can accelerate fusion
Innovative Fusion Power Core (FPC) Concepts
Speaker: Mr. Scott Hsu (US Department of Energy) Summary of innovative fusion power core concepts
Way Forward for the Fusion Community
Speaker: Mr. Taka Omae (ITER Organization) Way forward for the fusion community
18:30 CET
Panel Discussion – Chair: Ms. Melanie Windridge (Fusion Industry Association)
19:00 CET
Conclusions by Mr. Tim Bestwick (UKAEA) and Mr. Andrew Holland (FIA)
19:15 CET
Closing Remarks by Ms. Sehila M. Gonzalez de Vicente (IAEA)