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The Latest FIA Commentary & News
FIA Responds to U.S. Department of Energy RFI on Public-Private Consortium Framework
As fusion technology transitions from the lab to commercialization, the Fusion Industry Association (FIA) firmly believes in the acceleration that…
FIA Releases Letter to U.S. Treasury on Clean Energy Tax Credits Inclusion of Fusion
On August 1st, the Fusion Industry Association (FIA) submitted a letter commenting on the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) forthcoming guidance…
FIA Hosts Seminar Program for Interns
This summer, the FIA hosted its first-ever summer seminar series, open to interns of all FIA member and affiliate companies…
FIA Urges Greater Information Sharing in Letter to ITER Director-General Pietro Barabaschi
Since its inception, ITER has been a marker for global scientific collaboration through fusion energy. The process of building and…
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FIA’s “Fusion in the News”
Every two weeks, the Fusion Industry Association publishes Fusion News, a summary of the latest in fusion energy news worldwide.