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IAEA Webinar: Pushing for fusion energy – what is happening now?
You’re invited to join an IAEA-sponsored Webinar on Monday, Nov 22 2021 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET. This…

U.S. Intelligence Community Says Breakthrough in Fusion Energy Would Meet Paris Agreement Goals
Fusion, Congress, Public Private Partnerships, Intelligence, National Security

White House Science Advisors Consider Fusion Energy in Public Meeting
On Tuesday, October 19, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology hosted a discussion on “The Potential for…

FIA Writes Letter to the NRC on Roadmap for Regulatory Options
On October 4, the Fusion Industry Association (FIA) wrote to the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to clarify…
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FIA’s “Fusion in the News”
Every two weeks, the Fusion Industry Association publishes Fusion News, a summary of the latest in fusion energy news worldwide.