Nvidia’s Omniverse for Nuclear Fusion Applications
The University of Manchester has recently secured funding via the UKAEA SBRI scheme to evaluate Nvidia’s Omniverse as a possible foundation for the development of a community-led integrated platform for digital engineering. As part of this the Dalton Nuclear Institute would like to invite you to a workshop on Friday January the 28th 2-4pm in order to explore this further.
The purpose of this online workshop is to introduce the concept to the community and seek input regarding the viability of the idea. The workshop will be of interest to those working in fusion research, including users and developers of open source and proprietary software components that could form part of the platform. In a series of short talks, Lee Margetts (UKAEA Chair of Digital Engineering for Fusion Energy) will give an overview of the meeting, Andrew Davis (STEP Digital Enablers Lead , UKAEA) will highlight the computational challenges being addressed in the STEP programme and Chris Mcleod (Senior Solutions Architect, Nvidia, UK) will introduce the Nvidia Omniverse platform. The talks will be followed by a breakout discussion session. A short report summarising the outcome of the meeting will be made available to participants.
You can register for the workshop here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/workshop-1-evaluation-of-nvidia-omniverse-for-digital-engineering-tickets-243505229697