Fusion industry predicts electricity generation by the 2030s

Fusion industry predicts electricity generation by the 2030s

Most private fusion companies expect fusion power to be supplying electricity to the grid in the 2030s. That is according to the first-ever report on the state of the fusion industry, which has been published today by the Fusion Industry Association (FIA) and the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA).

IAEA Webinar: Pushing for fusion energy – what is happening now?

IAEA Webinar: Pushing for fusion energy – what is happening now?

You’re invited to join an IAEA-sponsored Webinar on Monday, Nov 22 2021 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET. This meeting will feature comments by FIA CEO Andrew Holland and a discussion led by FIA Director of Communications Melanie Windridge. The agenda is below. Agenda17:00 CETOpening Remarks by Ms. Sehila M. Gonzalez de Vicente (IAEA)…

White House Science Advisors Consider Fusion Energy in Public Meeting

White House Science Advisors Consider Fusion Energy in Public Meeting

On Tuesday, October 19, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology hosted a discussion on “The Potential for Integrating Fusion into the U.S. Energy Grid” in the second day of a two day public meeting on Climate Change, Energy, and the Environment. The discussion with Dr. Richard Hawryluk, Chair of the National Academies…

The Marathon Race Toward Fusion Power Could Be Reaching a Sprint

The Marathon Race Toward Fusion Power Could Be Reaching a Sprint

In September, a very large, incredibly powerful magnet was unloaded in Saint-Paul-lez-Durance in Southern France to be incorporated into the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), a major international collaboration that is attempting to prove the technical feasibility of nuclear fusion.