Regulatory Certainty

The FIA works to make sure that the laws regulating fusion energy are clear, fair, and supportive of innovation, while assuring the safety and security of the public.
Due to their fundamental differences, fusion energy must not be regulated like nuclear fission, and should not require the same lengthy permitting processes for each facility.
Read the latest from the FIA on the regulation of fusion energy below.

NRC Hosts Virtual Public Meeting on Developing Options for a Regulatory Framework for Fusion Energy
On the afternoon of January 26, 2021, the Nuclear Regulatory Committee (NRC) hosted their first virtual public meeting to explore…

OpEd: Fusion energy needs smart federal government regulation
On October 6, 2020, FIA Director Andrew Holland published the below article in the Washington Times. Fusion energy needs smart…

DOE/NRC/FIA Public Forum on a Regulatory Framework for Fusion
On October 6, the FIA, along with DOE and NRC, will host a public forum on building a fusion regulatory…

Fusion Regulatory White Paper
The FIA White Paper “Igniting the Fusion Revolution in America” outlines the promise of fusion energy, the background on regulation,…

Fusion Industry Association Principles for Regulation
Governments must work to ensure that fusion regulation is calibrated to fusion’s inherent low risks.