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FIA Articles & News
South Korea Announces KRW 1.2 Trillion to Prioritize Fusion Commercialization
South Korea announced a government project worth KRW 1.2 trillion with the goal of harnessing fusion power. This new initiative,…
FIA Responds to UK Consultation on National Policy Statement for Fusion Energy
As developers move closer to commercial fusion it is increasingly necessary to consider the wide array of enablers required to…
In the News: The Global Fusion Industry in 2024
The FIA’s Global Fusion Industry in 2024 report launched on July 17 and reported advancements and increased investments in fusion…
New EU Commission Wants to Increase Investment for Cleantech and Further Promote Research and Innovation
Ursula von der Leyen was re-elected as European Commission president after a speech in the European Parliament in Strasbourg presenting…