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The Latest FIA Commentary & News
FIA Engages With the European Parliament on Fusion
On November 26-28, a Fusion Industry Association (FIA) delegation of startups and suppliers met with Members of the European Parliament…
FIA & IAEA Announce Partnership to Collaborate on Efforts Accelerating Commercial Fusion
The Fusion Industry Association (FIA) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have announced a partnership to work together on efforts…
World Fusion Energy Group Holds Inaugural Ministerial Meeting in Rome
On November 6, government ministers, senior officials, and fusion industry leaders from across the globe gathered in Rome for the…
FIA CEO Testifies on Fusion Before Italian Chamber of Deputies
On November 5, FIA CEO Andrew Holland testified before the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Committee on Economic Activities, Trade and…
FIA Industry Reports
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FIA’s “Fusion in the News”
Every two weeks, the Fusion Industry Association publishes Fusion News, a summary of the latest in fusion energy news worldwide.