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FIA Podcast
Every two weeks, the Fusion Industry Association publishes Fusion News, a summary of the latest in fusion energy news worldwide.
FIA Articles & News
FIA CEO to Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee: “Time for Urgency in Fusion Energy”
Department of Energy, FESAC, Infrastructure, INFUSE, Public Private Partnerships, US
Chinese Fusion Energy Programs Are A Growing Competitor in the Global Race to Fusion Power
China is growing as a hub for active fusion research, as its scientists and entrepreneurs are making significant investments in…
Can start-ups fast-track fusion energy?
The drive to net zero has changed the calculus of the Promethean dream.
FIA Event: “The Next Disruptor in the Transition to a Clean Energy Economy
On September 16, from 4:00-5:30 PM PST, K&L Gates and the Clean Tech Alliance are hosting their quarterly Debate Series…