The Biggest Tech Innovations And Breakthroughs Of 2022
Each year, a handful of innovations, breakthroughs, and discoveries push the boundaries of what is possible using technology.
Each year, a handful of innovations, breakthroughs, and discoveries push the boundaries of what is possible using technology.
The Department of Energy on Tuesday celebrated a major fusion energy milestone, outlining how scientists for the first time were able to produce more energy from a reaction than was consumed.
THE “Holy Grail” of virtually limitless clean energy from nuclear fusion reactors is within reach after a series of major breakthroughs, scientists believe.
The nuclear fusion energy that powers our sun inched closer to viability on Earth in February.
Physicists have pursued the technology for decades as it promises a potential source of near-limitless clean energy.
Experiments at a U.S. government lab may have provided “proof that the physics work.”
Scientists made a huge breakthrough on the road to emissions-free power. Here’s what that means, and doesn’t mean.
Researchers working with lasers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are expected to say they made a major advance that could lead to future energy sources.
Scientists hit a key milestone in the quest to create abundant zero-carbon power through nuclear fusion. But they still have a long way to go.
First Light Fusion hopes to create factory that will churn out tritium as part of efforts to generate cheap, clean energy