Fusion Industry Association Policy Conference – March 30, 2022
Join the Fusion Industry Association on Wednesday, March 30th in Washington, DC for the first annual policy conference.
Registration is free for FIA Members, and non-members and guests are invited to click below to register for an admission fee.
12:30-1:30 PM
Conference Opening and Keynotes
Andrew Holland, CEO
Introduction of Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Robert Mumgaard, Member of the Board, FIA
Opening Keynote Speakers
Dr. Geri Richmond (by video)
Under Secretary of Science and Innovation
Dr. J. Stephen Binkley
Principal Deputy Director, Office of Science
Dr. Scott Hsu
Senior Advisor and Lead Fusion Coordinator, Office of the Undersecretary for Science and Innovation
1:30 – 2:30 PM
Panel Discussion: Growing the U.S. commercial fusion industry
Description: Leaders from private fusion companies discuss what it will take for the U.S. to play a leading role in the global race for commercial fusion energy.
Moderator: Andrew Holland, Fusion Industry Association
Jay Brister, General Fusion
David Edelman, TAE Technologies
Ryan Umstattd, Zap Energy
Ahmed Diallo, Deputy Director INFUSE
2:30-2:45 PM
Coffee Break
2:45 – 3:10 PM
Featured Conversation – Pathways toward Fusion Energy Regulation
The Honorable Jeffrey Merrifield, former Commissioner of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in conversation with The Honorable Christopher Hanson, Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
3:10 PM
Edward Lewis-Smith (By video)
Head of Domestic Fusion Policy and Programmes
UK Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy
3:15 -4:00 PM
Panel Discussion: Regulating Commercial Fusion
Description: The fusion industry is directly engaged in an ongoing public process with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to determine the appropriate framework for regulating commercial fusion energy. Representatives from fusion energy companies and regulatory experts will discuss the state of play and opportunities for appropriate fusion energy regulation.
Moderator: Jackie Mutai, Pillsbury LLP
Jeffrey Merrifield, Pillsbury LLP
Sachin Desai, Helion Energy
Tyler Ellis, Commonwealth Fusion Systems
Emma Wong, EPRI
4:00-4:30 PM
Featured Bipartisan Conversation:
Building Fusion Energy Support in Congress
In a moderated conversation, Representatives Don Beyer (VA) and Chuck Fleischmann (TN), both members of the bipartisan Congressional Fusion Energy Congress, will discuss opportunities for advancing fusion energy development and deployment.
4:45 PM
Closing Thanks and Wrap-up:
Andrew Holland, CEO, Fusion Industry Association
5:00 PM
Conference Closing & Reception
Updated: 3/28/22