Fusion Industry Highlights
The global fusion industry in 2022 report: In the news
The FIA’s The global fusion industry in 2022 report launch on July 14 broke the news of massive increases in…
The global fusion industry in 2022: Report launch event in Brussels
The FIA launched The global industry in 2022 report in Brussels on July 14. DG ENERGY Deputy Director General Massimo…
Unleashing the Power of Fusion Energy: The FIA Participates in C2ES Webinar
On May 19, 2022, The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions hosted a webinar titled: Climate Solutions: Unleashing the Potential…
The Fusion Industry in 2022: Report Launch Event in Brussels – Thursday, July 14
The Fusion Industry Association is launching our 2022 survey of the global fusion energy industry on Thursday, July 14 from…
Upcoming IAEA Workshop on Fusion Enterprises
From July 11-12, the FIA will participate in the second International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) workshop on fusion enterprises. The…
For true energy security, the US must hurry to develop fusion technology
FIA CEO Andrew Holland’s op-ed for the Washington Examiner FIA CEO Andrew Holland’s op-ed for the Washington Examiner Published on…
Fusion Industry Association Policy Conference
The Fusion Industry Association hosted its first annual policy conference in Washington, DC on Wednesday, March 30. The conference served…
Fusion Industry Association Policy Conference – March 30, 2022
Congress has created a new public-private partnership and provided record funding for fusion energy research.
Nvidia’s Omniverse for Nuclear Fusion Applications
The University of Manchester has recently secured funding via the UKAEA SBRI scheme to evaluate Nvidia’s Omniverse as a possible…