FIA Writes Letter to the NRC on Roadmap for Regulatory Options

FIA Writes Letter to the NRC on Roadmap for Regulatory Options

On October 4, the Fusion Industry Association (FIA) wrote to the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to clarify the roadmap for the requested six-month extension of the regulatory options paper. This extension would create better engagement between the NRC and the commercial fusion industry, as well as develop better understanding of the key…

FIA Sends Letter to Congress Requesting Fusion Energy Receives Equal Clean Energy Tax Treatment

FIA Sends Letter to Congress Requesting Fusion Energy Receives Equal Clean Energy Tax Treatment

The FIA sends a letter to the Senate Finance Committee asking Congress to ensure that fusion energy is eligible for the same 48C manufacturing tax credits that other clean, zero carbon energy sources are eligible for. On September 30, 2021, the CEO of the Fusion Industry Association, Andrew Holland, sent a letter to Chairman Ron…

FIA Disappointed Bipartisan Infrastructure Package Excludes Fusion Financing

FIA Disappointed Bipartisan Infrastructure Package Excludes Fusion Financing

On Wednesday, July 28, the Senate voted to move in a bipartisan way to debate passage of an infrastructure package. The Fusion Industry Association and its member companies have made a clear case to Congress that supporting fusion energy is not just an investment in the future. Investing in fusion will create new, good jobs…

Fusion Event: FIA/ARPA-E Capability Teams “Lighting Round” Event

Fusion Event: FIA/ARPA-E Capability Teams “Lighting Round” Event

On July 22, ARPA-E and Fusion Industry Association co-hosted a virtual Lightning Round. The event consisted of three sessions with Capability Teams funded by ARPA-E giving short presentations to the FIA Membership. The event provided an efficient way for FIA members to receive information about the teams and capabilities, and ask questions and make connections…

FIA CEO Andrew Holland Writes OPED for Investment in Fusion Energy as an Infrastructure Priority

FIA CEO Andrew Holland Writes OPED for Investment in Fusion Energy as an Infrastructure Priority

Fusion Industry Association CEO Andrew Holland published the opinion piece, “US Must Make an Infrastructure Investment in Fusion Energy” in the Washington Examiner on July 13, 2021, pushing for the American government to increase its funding for fusion energy in order to combat the global climate crisis and assert the United States as a leader…

Congress Would Fund Fusion Cost-Share Program in Committee-Passed Appropriations Bill

Congress Would Fund Fusion Cost-Share Program in Committee-Passed Appropriations Bill

On July 12, 2021, the Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee passed a bill that includes $45 million in Fiscal Year 2022 funding for a new milestone-based public-private partnership cost-share program for fusion energy as was authorized in the Energy Act of 2020. The bill includes $698 million…

FIA Proposes Funding Fusion for Space Propulsion

FIA Proposes Funding Fusion for Space Propulsion

The Fusion Industry Association is recommending a $40 million fusion propulsion funding program, styled similarly to ARPA-E and DARPA, in order to put the United States in the optimal position to win the “Deep Space Race.” While the United States is the current leader in space exploration, the gap is closing, and countries like China…

Fusion Energy Provisions in HR3593, the Bipartisan “Science for the Future Act”

Fusion Energy Provisions in HR3593, the Bipartisan “Science for the Future Act”

On May 28, 2021, House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Ranking Member Frank Lucas, along with the Science Subcommittee on Energy Chairman and Ranking Members, Jamaal Bowman and Randy Weber introduced the Department of Energy Science for the Future Act. This bill provides authorization of new funding and policy in…