Congressional hearing shows bipartisan support for fusion

Congressional hearing shows bipartisan support for fusion

The House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a hearing on September 14 with testimony from U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, giving “An Update on the Department of Energy’s Science and Technology Priorities”. During the hearing, Members of Congress voiced their bipartisan support for fusion funding in order to ensure US leadership in the fast growing industry.

UK Science, Innovation and Technology Committee calls for long-term commitment to fusion in new report

UK Science, Innovation and Technology Committee calls for long-term commitment to fusion in new report

On Monday, July 31, the UK Science, Innovation and Technology Committee published a comprehensive report on delivering nuclear power, concluding that the UK should continue R&D for fusion technologies with fusion as a ‘part of the Government’s long-term energy plan’.

Congressional Fusion Budget Misses the Opportunity

The Congressional Appropriations Committees in both the House and Senate, which write the bills that will fund the government, have passed their proposed funding bills for fusion energy research in the Energy and Water Appropriations bills, cutting the fusion budget significantly from the President’s request of $1.01 billion. In March, the President’s request to Congress…

Congressional Hearing on Fusion Energy Shows Bipartisan Support For Accelerating Commercialization Efforts

Congressional Hearing on Fusion Energy Shows Bipartisan Support For Accelerating Commercialization Efforts

On June 13, alongside representatives from the U.S. Department of Energy, Helion Energy, US ITER Project Office, and General Atomics, FIA CEO Andrew Holland testified at a Congressional hearing on “From Theory to Reality: The Limitless Potential of Fusion Energy“, hosted by the Energy Subcommittee of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. A main theme from the hearing: the general consensus to increase support for accelerated fusion commercialization, a feat that will unlock “limitless potential” for energy, climate, and economic benefits.

Department of Energy Announces Milestone Public-Private Partnership Awards

Department of Energy Announces Milestone Public-Private Partnership Awards

On May 31, 2023, the United States Department of Energy announced the first round of awardees of the milestone-based public private partnership program. Congratulations to the awardees, all FIA members: Commonwealth Fusion Systems, Focused Energy, Princeton Stellarators, Realta Fusion, Tokamak Energy, Type One Energy Group, Xcimer Energy, and Zap Energy.

Germany Publishes Memorandum on Laser Inertial Fusion Energy

Germany Publishes Memorandum on Laser Inertial Fusion Energy

Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) published a memorandum on inertial fusion energy (IFE) in May 2023. An expert panel of scientists analyzed the status of fusion energy, its position in Germany, and its unparalleled potential in the global clean energy transition. In their report, they give high level recommendations, listed below, to ensure Germany’s position as a global leader in fusion development.