FIA Launches Policy Vision for UK Commercial Fusion
UK can lead £31 trillion Global Fusion Industry, but government needs to act now to attract fusion companies, says Fusion Industry Association.
UK can lead £31 trillion Global Fusion Industry, but government needs to act now to attract fusion companies, says Fusion Industry Association.
We’re thrilled to introduce Melanie as the newest member of the FIA team. As the voice of the global fusion industry, the Fusion Industry Association is excited to expand its presence in support of our members and the wider fusion ecosystem.
The United States is at an inflection point in its pursuit of commercial fusion energy. To meet the goal of deploying fusion power within the next decade, the current federal funding levels and priorities are insufficient. While the U.S. has been a leader in fusion research, countries like China are dramatically increasing their efforts, putting…
On December 10, the FIA launched The Fusion Workforce: Where it’s heading and how to prepare, providing a roadmap for addressing fusion workforce and skills needs. The report gives insights into the current and future fusion industry workforce; projections; and how industry, government, and academia can plan and support. Based on interviews and surveys with the major fusion developers and suppliers, the report details the skills needed for the fusion industry to meet its commercialization timelines in the 2030s – and then scale.
On November 26-28, a Fusion Industry Association (FIA) delegation of startups and suppliers met with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in Strasbourg. The FIA delegation to the European Parliament engaged with MEPs across political groups and countries, raising awareness on fusion and putting forward key messages and opportunities to advance European leadership in the sector.
The Economist covers private sector efforts accelerating the timeline to commercial fusion deployment.
Tokamak Energy raises $125 million in its latest funding round to continue machine design development and expand its TE Magnetics division.
Commonwealth Fusion Systems has crossed a key threshold on its quest to generate commercial fusion power and is eyeing shuttered fossil-fuel plants as prime plant sites.
The New York Times covers progress on the road to commercial fusion power, including details from visits to a handful of FIA member companies.
Australia-based fusion startup HB11 is focusing on technologies needed for commercial fusion that can generate revenue today.